Pediatric Chiropractor Near You
The Future Begins Here
Pediatric chiropractor for Ages 0-21 and
Pregnant mothers needing the Webster Technique.
Serving the South Salt Lake Valley and the Wasatch Front
Pediatric chiropractor for Ages 0-21 and
Pregnant mothers needing the Webster Technique.
Serving the South Salt Lake Valley and the Wasatch Front
Super Kids Wellness Care
We LOVE babies! Get help with
Colic, reflux, faiure to thrive, ear
infections, torticollis, sleep disorder,
slow to crawl, constipation, difficult
nursing and getting a latch
Not walking When they should,
ear infections, sleep issues, falls,
constipation, headaches,
‘growing pains’
Kiddos and Teens
Sports injuries, constipation,
bedwetting aka Nocturnal, Enuresls, headaches and migraines, back pain, carpal tunnel, shin splints, plantar fascitis
Pregnant Mommies
Certified in the ICPA (International
chiropractic Association) for the
Webster technique, We love helping
Pregnant mommies, and supporting
them through pregnancy and
Our parents choose Wellness, well-educated parents make great healers.
Mindful Mommies group
Membership site
Home care protocols for many different conditions available 24/7 and many other resources just for you.
Access to your doctor 24/7
Tried home care protocols and still need help or have questions. As a member, you can call your doctor day and right. We don’t
make screaming kids wait till morning.
Unlimited visits
As a practice member you can come in any day we are open. We don’t limit the visits you get per month.
Mindful Mommies group
Membership site
Home care protocols for many different conditions available 24/7 and many other resources just for you.
Access to your doctor 24/7
Tried home care protocols and still need help or have questions. As a member, you can call your doctor day and right. We don’t
make screaming kids wait till morning.
Unlimited visits
As a practice member you can come in any day we are open. We don’t limit the visits you get per month.
Monthly Membership
Single Membership
Membership for One kiddo
or one pregnant Mom.
per month
- $200 to join then only $100 a month
All the Kiddos!
Membership for all kiddos
in the immediate family.
per month
- $300 to join then $150 a month includes membership for all siblings.